Oxford STEM Network (OSN) Communication Guidelines


Welcome to the Oxford STEM Network's communication guidelines!

Our community thrives on sharing, learning, and engaging with each other. To ensure that everyone can benefit from our collective knowledge and opportunities, we've established some guidelines on how we communicate and share updates, news, and events within our network.

WhatsApp Group: For Immediate Interaction and Support

  • Purpose: The OSN WhatsApp group is your go-to for real-time help, guidance, and to ask questions. It's also perfect for alerting fellow members about activities, interesting posts, and urgent updates. Share your social media posts here to ask for engagement.

  • What to Share: Feel free to share news, ask for advice, seek recommendations, and provide support to fellow members.

  • Engagement: Encourage discussions, feedback, and sharing of ideas. This platform thrives on active participation!

If you are unsure about what to post at any time, please feel free to run it by admin@priddeymarketing.co.uk first.


LinkedIn: For Professional Sharing and Networking

  • Tagging: When posting any content related to OSN, whether it's news, articles, or updates, please tag the Oxford STEM Network and Su Copeland. This allows us to easily find and support your post by liking, commenting, and sharing. @oxford-stem-network @su-copeland

  • Engagement: Engage with content posted by OSN and fellow members. A vibrant LinkedIn presence helps raise our collective profile and fosters professional opportunities. Some members use direct messaging on LinkedIn for introductions and to ask direct questions.

  • Extended Network: Feel free to tag any other individuals or organisations from the OSN community who you think should see your post or could contribute to the discussion.


Events: Keeping Our Calendar Up-to-Date

We post all OSN Open Meetings and external partner meetings on our Events Page

  • Event Information: If you're hosting any events that would benefit the OSN community, please send the details to admin@priddeymarketing.co.uk.  We tend to publish these within 48 hours but please allow adequate time before your event.

  • Website Calendar: Our website serves as a central hub for all OSN-related events. It's also a place to discover other local STEM events that could be of interest.

  • Promotion: Once your event is on the website, please tag us in any social media promotions for us to share. @oxford-stem-network


General Guidelines

  • Respect and Inclusivity: Always communicate respectfully and inclusively, valuing each member's contributions and perspectives.

  • Confidentiality: Be mindful of the information you share. Ensure it's appropriate for a wide audience and respects the privacy of individuals and the network.

  • Collaboration: Our strength lies in our community. Let's support each other by sharing knowledge, opportunities, and celebrating our achievements together.

By following these guidelines, we can all contribute to a thriving, supportive, and engaging Oxford STEM Network. Let's stay connected, share generously, and grow together.